for MAC
  • Material groups: Added a new way of separating models into material/settings groups, enabling multimaterial prints
  • Settings for Z: Models can be easily separated into parts in the Z axis
  • Separate parts: Added the ability to separate a model into specific parts, like outer walls, infill, etc.
  • Model joiner: A tool for joining model parts together
  • Import of related models: Added the ability of importing multiple models, and joining them into a model group


for MAC
  • Added new printing profile Z-PLA (single mode) for M300 Dual,
  • Performance improvements: the program now uses .NET 8.0.
  • Added new profiles for Nanovia PA-6, Nanovia PC-ABS Rail and Z-PLA for Zortrax Endureal,

Bug fixes & Improvements

  • Improved printing quality of BASF Ultracur3D EL 60 for Zortrax Inkspire 2,
  • Improved the way of generating the top layer infill,
  • Improved the way of generating bridges. From now on, there will be more spots where bridges can be generated,
  • Fixed a bug where the Spiral Mode would not work in the Shell mode. The Spiral Mode is now disabled when using the Print Too Thin Walls and Cooling Tower options, as well as when generating supports.
  • Added new profiles for Kimya ABS-ESD and BASF Ultrafuse® PAHT CF15 for Zortrax M300 Dual,
  • Added 0.3 and 0.6 mm nozzle diameter to selected profiles for M Series Plus printers,
  • Adjustments of selected profiles for M Series Plus, M300 Dual, and Zortrax Endureal,
  • Added new profiles for Liqcreate Strong-X, Liqcreate Composite-X, Liqcreate Flexible-X, Liqcreate ESD, Liqcreate Hazard Glow for Zortrax Inskpire 2,
  • Added 0.1 mm layer thickness values for BASF Ultracur3D RG1100, Ultracur3D EL 4000, Ultracur3D FL 60 for Zortrax Inskpire 2,
  • Improved connections between support pillars and models on Inkspire 2: supports now leave less marks on models’ surfaces,
  • Added a new switch which hides the preview of support pillars in the Support step on Inkspire 2. This allows you to better assess the areas that require support and edit individual pillars,
  • Performance improvements: the program now uses .NET framework 7.0.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where .zprojx files saved on macOS system couldn’t be opened on Windows,
  • Fixed a bug where loading files with incorrect 3D model data would cause an incorrect warning message to appear. Now, the program will show the “File reading error” message.
  • Added 0.10 mm layer thickness value for Z-ABS, Z-HIPS, Z-ULTRAT, Z-ESD, Z-PLA Pro, Z-ASA Pro for M Series Plus printers,
  • Added new profiles for BASF Ultrafuse 316L, BASF Ultrafuse 17-4 PH, BASF Ultrafuse Support Layer, BASF Ultrafuse ABS for Zortrax M300 Dual,
  • Added new profiles for BASF Ultrafuse ABS, BASF Ultrafuse PPSU, BASF Ultrafuse PC/ABS FR, Nanovia PC-ABS V0 for Zortrax Endureal,
  • Improved path generation for BASF metallic powder filaments:
    • Added gyroid type infill in the range of density from 60 to 90%,
    • Support structures are now divided into smaller areas in the Z axis to facilitate support removal after post-processing,
    • Support structures are now divided into smaller areas in the X and Y axes to facilitate support removal, especially from hard-to-reach places,
    • Supports structures are now narrowed at the bottom to facilitate support removal and reduce the visibility of support marks on models,
    • The direction of printing for support structures infill now changes between successive layers – it helps to reduce model deformation of supports caused by material shrinkage,
    • Improved the Shrinkage plate – it helps to reduce model deformation caused by material shrinkage,
  • Improved Rotate tool,
  • Improved .zcodex2 replication,
  • Performance improvements,
    Bug fixes:

  • .zcodex2 files for Zortrax Inkspire 2 are now saved faster on macOS systems
    Cases where models stick too excessively to the raft are now reduced for Zortrax Inkspire 2,
  • Fixed problems with printing in the Shell Spiral mode,
  • Added a notification in the Preview step about the performed automatic model scaling procedure for M300 Dual and Zortrax Endureal,
  • Added a notification in the Preview step with a warning that the model goes beyond the build volume dimensions in the Z axis for M300 Dual and Zortrax Endureal,
  • Importing models from zprojx no longer affects the program’s settings,
  • Fixed the fan speed operation after using the .zcodex2 replication tool,
  • Support structures that adhere directly to models on angled surfaces – it is now easier to detach such supports.

Z-SUITE BETA 3.1.0 is the last version supported on Mac OS Mojave operating system. With the release of the next versions, Z-SUITE will be supported on Mac OS Catalina and newer versions of the system.

  • Added support for M300 Dual and Inkspire 2 (the list of printing profiles for both machines will be regularly expanded),
  • Added 0.15 and 0.30 mm layer thickness values for most filaments previously available with only 0.20 mm layer thickness for M Series Plus,
  • Added new profiles for Z-ULTRAT and Z-ASA Pro for 0.4 mm nozzle (single-extrusion mode); Z-ULTRAT + Z-SUPPORT ATP for 0.4 mm nozzle; BASF Ultrafuse PET CF15, 3DXTECH CarbonX PETG+CF, Kimya PETG Carbon, Nanovia PETG CF for 0.6 mm nozzle (single-extrusion mode) for M300 Dual,
  • Added new profiles for BASF Ultrafuse 316L + BASF Ultrafuse Support Layer, BASF Ultrafuse 17-4 PH + BASF Ultrafuse Support Layer, Z-ABS + Z-SUPPORT ATP 130, Z-ULTRAT + Z-SUPPORT ATP 130, Victrex PAEK AM 200 + Z-SUPPORT ATP 130 for Endureal,
  • Added a new slicing mode for metal-polymer filaments with alternating direction and angles of laying paths, special hybrid support, special raft mode,
  • Added a new tool Automatic Model Scaling for Zortrax Endureal which automatically scales models intended to be printed with high-temp and metal filaments. The scaling takes place during the Preview step, according to the Automatic Model Scaling values for X, Y, and Z shown in the Print Settings step. It should be noted that the scaling parameters may differ from the proposed ones, depending on the geometry of the model and the planned post-processing (annealing),
  • Added Shell infill type for profiles available for Zortrax Endureal,
  • Added hybrid support type for Zortrax Endureal,
  • It is now possible to generate the Cooling Tower in the Shell infill type,
  • Generating unnecessary supports for small overhangs is now limited,
  • It is now possible to use the Drag&Drop option in other steps than the Model step, such as in the launch window with the list of printers or in the workspace in the Print Settings step,
  • Improved the automatic model placement on the platform to be more central when using the Replicate .zcodex tool in the Preview step,

Bug fixes:

  • Resetting of the print settings has been improved when using Editable Support,
  • Generating thin walls with the Print Too Thin Walls option on has been improved – thin walls are now less curved,
  • More areas on the model where it is possible to generate Bridge(s) (areas without the need for support) are now detected, mainly in the case of thin walls and contours,
  • Cases where supports would merge with the model in the area of the support block’s seam are now minimized,
  • Positioning of the Waste Tower in the cases where the entire platform is in use has been improved (Endureal),
  • The Annealing option has been removed (Endureal),
  • Sending files from inCloud directly to the printer has been improved,
  • Generating Seam has been improved for the modes: User Specified, Sharpest Corner, Inner Corner, regardless of the Avoid overhangs algorithm,
  • Detecting collisions in the Model step has been improved,
  • The order in which contours are printed in the Shell mode has been improved,
  • Fixed a bug where Print bottom option would not work when using the Shell Spiral mode,
  • General fixes of the program’s performance on macOS systems, including improving the options available in the top menu, pasting files after copying, opening files associated with the program,
  • Generating low models consisting of only several layers has been improved,
  • Operation of the Cancel button during data preparation in the Support step has been improved,
  • Some cases of the over-extrusion occurring as a result of overlapping infill contours have been eliminated,
  • Fan speed while printing the infill of thin walls in first and last layers have been adjusted.

First, we’re sharing this beta version with the owners of Zortrax M Series Plus and Zortrax Endureal 3D printers.

  • Added new Infill patterns:
    • Gyroid (Patt. 4),
    • Triangular (Patt. 5),
    • Concentric (Patt. 6).
  • Added the Outer Walls option – it is now possible to change the number of contours in models. Higher numbers of contours increase the model’s durability, whereas smaller numbers reduce the print time,
  • Added the Offset Inner Contours option. It is now possible to change the distance between inner and outer contours – with smaller offset values both contours will be printed closer to each other, whereas bigger offset values reduce over-extrusion (this option applies also to models printed in the Shell mode),
  • The Normal Seam mode is now called Auto,
  • Added the Avoid overhangs checkbox in the Seam section. When checked, the slicer will not generate the seam on overhanging layers (if it’s possible),
  • Added 3 new Seam modes:
    • User specified,
    • Inner corner,
    • Sharpest corner.
  • Improved the quality of thin walls. The infill for thin walls is now generated as a single path with variable material feeding – this reduces the printer’s vibrations and artifacts such as holes on horizontal surfaces in small elements,
  • Added the Print Too Thin Walls – when checked, walls thinner than approximately 0.4 mm will be sliced and printed. Additionally, walls with measurements in the range of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 mm will be printed with a single path to achieve best quality and accuracy. (Final measurements depend on the nozzle’s diameter.)
  • Improved the quality of slanted surfaces – such areas are now smoother and bonded more effectively,
  • Improved the quality of blocks of support – such areas are now smoother and do not have unnecessary elements,
  • Improved the stability of top surfaces – such areas are now smoother and supported more effectively,
  • Improved bonding between the first layer and the rest of the print for models consisting of only several layers – reduced the risk of layer separation,
  • It is now possible to add supports for models printed in the Shell mode,
  • Added the Concentric infill mode in the Solid infill type. The Concentric infill consists of contours that form a concentric shape, improving the part’s durability,
  • It is now possible to display a single layer of a model in the Preview step. To do that, it is necessary to clear the checkbox All layers on the toolbar on the right.